Apache Web Server Setup on AWS using EC2, EBS, S3 via AWS CLI
To do tasks-
- create a key pair
- create a security group and allow port no 22 and 80
- create an EBS volume
- launch an ec2 instance with the newly created key pair and security group
- setup apache webserver
- attach the newly created EBS volume to the instance
- mount this EBS volume to the /var/www/html folder
- create a web page inside /var/www/html folder
- create an S3 bucket and upload an object and give permission as public to both object and the bucket
- start the webserver
keypair creation, security group creation, EC2 launch, EBS volume creation, attaching the EBS volume to the EC2 instance, user creation — for these tasks you can refer to the below URL:
To add the ingress rule for port no 22 and port no 80 use the following command:
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress — group-id “sg-0c5d429e5f04d0548” — protocol “tcp” — port 22 — cidr “”
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress — group-id “sg-0c5d429e5f04d0548” — protocol “tcp” — port 80 — cidr “”
Starting and connecting to the already created instance-
aws ec2 start-instances — instance-ids “i-03386370c72f8a859”
ssh -i “keyname” username@ec2–13–233–172–45.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com
Setup Apache Web Server using the below command:
sudo su root (to login to root account)
yum install httpd
Create a partition for the EBS volume, format it and mount it to /var/www/html directory
- fdisk /dev/xvdf (to create the partition)
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdf (to format the created partition)
- mount /dev/xvdf /var/www/html (to mount the partition at /var/www/html)
Now create a web page and copy it in /var/www/html directory or directly you can create a webpage inside /var/www/html directory
Now create an S3 bucket and upload an object and give permission as public to both object and the bucket
aws s3api create-bucket — bucket “servermedium” — create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=ap-south-1
Now upload an object in the created bucket with public access
aws s3api put-object — bucket servermedium — body “C:\Users\Rubel\Desktop\rubel_agrawal.png” — acl “public-read” — key “rubel.jpg”
Now copy the address of the object in the web page so that it can be viewed by the public
Start the Apache Web Server